Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Paper Help Writing
Paper Help WritingPaper help writing. If you are a new writer and are contemplating over using a pen and paper to assist you with your writing, then this article is meant for you. If this sounds like a dream come true for you, then get ready to read through.Paper help writing is so much easier when you don't have to write everything down. First of all, it is distracting to look at the paper instead of writing something down. And, you don't have to use the correct sized paper either. It might be a bit confusing if you are writing everything on the bottom or top sheet of a larger sheet of paper.Now, if you think that paper help writing is something that is only for writers, then think again. Anyone can benefit from using a written word. For example, someone who works in a call center would benefit from using a write-up because the caller usually asks about the company's history and what the benefits are. In this case, it makes more sense to include the benefits rather than showing the past history of the company. Also, when giving a speech, you wouldn't want to take a note every time and just end up copying and pasting it as a text file.When you first start out writing a piece of your essay, it will be much easier for you to remember what you are trying to say. Also, you don't have to worry about spelling mistakes because you know you can just hit the return key or move the cursor to the next paragraph.Since you are writing on a word processor or some other kind of computer system, you won't have to worry about losing your document because you will have it saved for a long period of time. You also have the option of printing out any type of document that you may need. By using your computer, you can basically create a book of handwritten notes.The last thing that you should consider is how good quality the paper is. You can get really expensive paper in bulk at wholesale stores. Since there are other people who are using it, you don't want to mess it up.If you de cide to use a computer to help write your papers, make sure that you can still hold onto the documents properly. You should have a small but sturdy notebook so that you won't lose your notebook. Also, try to avoid using different documents from your computer so that it will be easier for you to keep track of your ideas.Make paper help writing a part of your writing routine. Writing down the things that you need to remember is so much easier when you don't have to do it all by yourself.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
My Dream House Essay Sample
My Dream House Essay Sample Every person wants to have a place that he or she will call home. I want to have such place too. Most of the people think that home is not an apartment or house, but people who live there. I completely agree with this statement, but I still think that everyone deserves the dream house. From the early childhood, I dreamed of my own place. I imagined every little detail starting from the color of roof and finishing with the shape of the chandelier in the bedroom. With time my ideas were changing but I still have a picture of my dream house in my head. I know that it will be a problem to design all of the rooms like I want because it will not be a house for me but for my future family too. For this reason, I decided to design by myself only a few rooms: kitchen, bedroom, and at least one bathroom. Yet, I also hope that my future husband will take into consideration other my ideas. I always wanted to live in a quiet area in the suburb that is placed not far from the big city. The streets should be green with the beautiful houses. My dream house isn’t very big. It has two floors. There are 4 rooms on the first floor: kitchen, dining room, living room, and bathroom. The second floor has 5 rooms: 3 bedrooms, office, and bathroom. I want to have so many bedrooms because I dream about a big family. Apart from this, I want to have a large terrace attached to the house. Behind the house, I wish to have a nice garden with different fruit trees. I want to have a bright and light kitchen. For this reason, there should be a big window in the wall. The interior of this room should contain bright colors. I imagine a green or yellow kitchen. These colors make me happy and inspired, so I think that this is a good idea to use them for this room. To cook with the inspiration is great. Apart from this, I very like different modern things. For instance, I would like to have a bar counter in my kitchen. I think it can be a great detail of the interior. I know that bedroom isn’t a place where I can decide everything by myself because my future partner will live there too. For this reason, I don’t want to have any bright and girly colors and staff. As for me, the best color for the bedroom is grey. However, to make it not too boring and depressing, I want to have some bright details inside the room, like a blue vase, pillows, picture, and curtains. I think it will be enough to make the room interesting. I also want to have a light bedroom, so it is necessary to have a couple of big windows. The bathroom is also a room that I want to design by myself. I want to have there a brown and beige tile. Such things as a toilet, bath, and washstand should be white. I want to have a bath but not a shower because I very like to take a bath with bubbles. I think that this room is a place to relax, so I want to make it very comfortable and cozy. I know that most of my ideas are too general, but I understand that in a few years that can be completely different. Actually, it does not really matter what color the walls or floor will be. The most important thing for me is to create a nice place where I will feel comfort and peace. I hope that my dream to have a nice house will come true one day.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald - 1695 Words
To be Nick Carraway is to be an unreliable narrator. An unreliable narrator is a narrator, who, has little to no credibility and simply cannot be trusted. These narrators are often in first-person and â€Å"seem to have limited knowledge, to be mistaken in his or her understanding of people and events, or even to be deliberately misleading the reader.†(Margree par. 1). The well-known novel The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald, introduces readers to a story where everything may not be necessarily true. The beauty of this novel is that the readers actually get to decide what they want or do not want to believe. This is all due to Nick Carraway, the narrator of The Great Gatsby. Nick is prejudice and has various faults like dishonesty and being oblivious to himself. A character/narrator like this during the 1920s in New York City seems to fit in just fine, after all it was an age of â€Å"vitality, sapping out genuine emotion in favor of the artificial,†(Wolok 1). Howeve r, Nick’s faults have a major effect on the background stories and events taking place in The Great Gatsby. He picks and chooses his narrations forcing readers to not get only half the story. Along with this, Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby is an unreliable narrator because he constantly contradicts himself, is biased towards Gatsby, and attempts to use other characters as primary sources. Nick Carraway is an unreliable narrator because he contradicts himself through what he says and what he does. Nick kicks off TheShow MoreRelatedThe Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald 1249 Words  | 5 PagesThe Great Gatsby-one of the most interesting books that describes American life and society in the 1920s.Novel was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1925. Story primarily describes the young, mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby and his passion for the beautiful Daisy Buchanan. Novel includes themes of idealism, resistance to change, social differences, American dream, Injustice, power, betrayal, Importance of money, careless, callousness. Scott Fitzgerald sets up his novel into separate social groupsRead MoreThe Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald1280 Words  | 5 Pagesto showcase her innocence. When Nick meets Daisy in the beginning of the novel he notices her and Jordan Baker on the couch saying, â€Å"Daisy and Jordan lay upon an enormous couch, like silver idols weighing down their own white dresses†(122). While Gatsby does not represent purity because of his adulterous and illegal lifestyle, white represents purity because it is clean and unaltered. Daisy is again seen laying on the â€Å"enormous couch†waiting for something to occur. She acts like she cannot doRead More The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald. Essay1313 Words  | 6 PagesThe Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald. F. Scott Fitzgerald aims to show that the myth of the American dream is fading away. The American values of brotherhood and peace have been eradicated and replaced with ideas of immediate prosperity and wealth. Fitzgerald feels that the dream is no longer experienced and that the dream has been perverted with greed and malice. The Great Gatsby parallels the dreams of America with the dream of Jay Gatsby in order to show the fallacies that lie in bothRead MoreThe Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald726 Words  | 3 PagesF. Scott Fitzgerald showcases characters illusions in the novel The Great Gatsby. Each of the characters gets wrapped up in the dream that they all wanted to live. The Great Gatsby is a novel about the American dream and the illusion is that one can be happy through wealth, power or fame. Gatsby, Myrtle, and George all had an illusion thinking they can live the american dream. Fitzgerald shows many illusions in the Great Gatsby. Throughout the novel Gatsby always wanted to be wealthy, thinking thatRead MoreThe Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald559 Words  | 2 Pages Purity The Great Gatsby, a novel written in the 1920’s by F. Scott Fitzgerald, generates symbolism of characters through the use of simple diction to create a wild romance built on the past, deceit, mischief, and fraud of personality. Moreover, the setting and its different locations, signifies two distinct ways of life: East, old money, and West, new money. Although the locations are judged by material wealth, the people and their behavior are quite alike. Myrtle Wilson, Daisy Buchanan, purityRead MoreThe Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald574 Words  | 2 PagesTake a look around you, and you will find a myriad of different colors in which you might not think much of, but in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald colors represent different ideas. Fitzgerald utilizes symbolism in the colors of certain objects throughout the novel to reveal a deeper meanings and to enhance the reader’s experience. Fitzgerald introduces Gatsby while he is reaching his hand out to a green li ght across the bay; the color green stands for something unattainable yet desirableRead MoreThe Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald768 Words  | 3 Pageswith your life and most importantly, yourself. In the fictitious novel, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the characters who have money at their disposal are constantly looking for something else to fulfill their longing to have a meaningful life. Despite it’s problem-solving reputation, money isn’t what it’s chalked up to be, the characters with excessive money aren’t sincerely happy with their lives. Jay Gatsby, Tom Buchanan, Daisy Buchanan, and Jordan Baker and never satisfied with theirRead MoreThe Character of Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald928 Words  | 4 PagesThe Character of Daisy Buchanan in the novel - The Great Gatsby - by F.Scott Fitzgerald Daisy is The Great Gatsby’s most enigmatic, and perhaps most disappointing, character. Although Fitzgerald does much to make her a character worthy of Gatsby’s unlimited devotion, in the end she reveals herself for what she really is. Despite her beauty and charm, Daisy is merely a selfish, shallow, and in fact, hurtful, woman. Gatsby loves her (or at least the idea of her) with such vitality and determinationRead MoreFailure to Achieve the American Dream in The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald1020 Words  | 4 Pages Failure to Achieve the American Dream in The Great Gatsby The American dream is the idea that was presented through American literature. The Dreamer aspires to rise from rags to riches, while engrossing in such things as wealth, love on his way to the top and to West Egg. In 1920’s early settler’s rooted to the United States Declaration of Independence who demonstrates that â€Å"All men are equal†. The dream of a land that life can be better place that is richer and fuller for every man that givesRead MoreDepicting the Difference Between Reality and Illusion in ‘A Streetcar named Desire’ by Tennessee Williams and ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F.Scott Fitzgerald1740 Words  | 7 Pageswhich both texts portray individuals in the grip of dreams and illusions ‘A Streetcar named Desire’ by Tennessee Williams and ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F.Scott Fitzgerald both depict the conflict between reality and illusion centring on the desire to achieve the ‘American dream,’ which causes many characters in the texts to become engulfed in dreams and fantasy. Gatsby and Blanche are the protagonists of the texts not only due to their central role in the plots, but also that they are characters who
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay Analysis of the Super Hero Series Batman - 1532 Words
The purpose of this paper is to provide the reader with an insight into the Super Hero Series Batman. This crime fighter originally appeared in Detective Comics issue #27 in 1939. It later became a comic book series, a TV series and a movie series. The character Batman is second only to Superman as a Super Hero. Amazingly Batman has no super powers, but he does have a lot of neat crime fighting gadgets. In this paper, we will explore the creation of Batman, his supporting cast of characters both good and bad and the gadgets he used. Batman was created after Detective Comics (D.C.) wanted a new super hero to follow-up after Superman. In May of 1933, Bob Kane and Bill Finger created Batman. Bob was born on October 24, 1915†¦show more content†¦Batman was a hero by night and during the day he is the wealthy Bruce Wayne. When Bruce was a young child he watched his mom and dad get mugged and murdered after a family outing at the movies. The criminal then turned pointing the gun to shoot at the young Bruce Wayne and said, â€Å"Have you ever danced with the devil in the pail moon light?†The arrival of the police saved Bruce Wayne that day. Dr. Leskue Tomkins, a wealthy Gotham City resident and his butler, Alfred Pennyworth took custody of Bruce. Shortly afterwards, the Bruce and his guardians moved away from Gotham. Bruce studied criminal minds, behavior, and patterns. He also learned different ways to fight crime and the art of self-defense. He mastered all of these by the age of 14, then h e moved back to Gotham City. Upon his return, he observed criminals at night. He did this until he felt comfortable to capture them by himself. On the first night of crime fighting he was almost killed. Luckily he was brought back to his study in the Wayne Mansion to heal. As he was looking out a window, he got the idea of becoming Batman. Bruce and Alfred created his Batman outfit, making it bullet proof and fire-resistant. They added a weighted cape along with night vision on his mask. Finally they added the famous utility belt which consisted of many different pieces of crime fighting equipment. The belt held bat-rings, decel jump lines, grapnels, microShow MoreRelatedBeowulf As An Epic Hero Essay1545 Words  | 7 PagesBeowulf is considered to be an epic hero. A character such as himself can even be considered in the same class as different DC Comic heroes such Superman, Batman, Green Lantern or The Flash. It is acceptable to list Beowulf with these heroes due to all of his heroic efforts defeating various monsters and enemies and the fact that he has a DC Comic made about him. Beowulf is a hero that defies the logic of your typical comic book hero; he possesses his own attributes and is in a class of his own withRead MoreCultural Mirror And Hidden Intent1207 Words  | 5 Pageshistorical conditions that produced it†, Marx said. An analysis of comic books throughout the past, till the present day, proves the validity of his statement. Comic books have always acted as a tool of influence on the masses. Not only has race and representation always been one of the major topics to discuss in cultural studies, even the world of graphical comic art is very familiar with the same. Captain America Comics (1941) that depicted the hero as the alter ego of Steve Rogers, a frail young manRead MorePortrayal Of Women s Film : A Recent Post On Vanity Fair And The Presence Of Wonder Woman1989 Words  | 8 PagesPortrayal of Women in Comics A recent post on Vanity Fair with title â€Å"Suicide Squad’s Harley Quinn; the Most Divisive Character in Comic book History†and the presence of wonder woman in the movie batman versus superman in 2016, have indirectly shown that there is a surge in the demand for more female superheroes. These female superheroes are so distinguished by some characteristics which are peculiar to them. These projected characteristics include but not restricted toà ¾ Freedom, dominance andRead MoreMarvel Of Comics : Marvel Comics2477 Words  | 10 Pagescomic books would come to be dominated by the superhero genre. Today, the comic book industry is dominated by two companies: DC Comics and Marvel Comics. Though DC Comics was arguably the progenitor of the superhero genre by creating Superman and Batman, Marvel Comics would refine the genre through innovations in storytelling and art in the 1960s, publishing titles such as The Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, and, most notably, Spider-Man. As time progressed, however, the comic industry changed.Read MoreComics, The X-Men, and Popular Culture Essay4876 Words  | 20 Pagesideologically represented society’s outcasts. Mutants are fictional characters who are born with powers that make them â€Å"super-human.†These members include Professor X (Charles Xavier), Marvel Girl (Jean Grey), Cyclops (Scott Summers), Beast (Hank McCoy), and Iceman (Bobby Drake); each born with specific mutations that they have to learn to live with. This first class in the series had to deal with their individual issues while trying to find a place in society, as they fought with another mutant namedRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes1753 22 Words  | 702 Pagesfollowing classification of cases by subject matter to be helpful. I thank those of you who made this and other suggestions. Classification of Cases by Major Marketing Topics Topics Most Relevant Cases Marketing Research and Consumer Analysis Coca-Cola, Disney, McDonald’s, Google, Starbucks Product Starbucks, Nike, Coke/Pepsi, McDonald’s, Maytag, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Newell Rubbermaid, DaimlerChrysler, Kmart/Sears, Harley-Davidson, Boeing/Airbus, Merck, Boston Beer, Firestone/Ford
Propolis Free Essays
Introduction : Propolis is a glue-like resinous material that collected and processed by the bees (honeybees) from various sources of flowers, leaves, and other plants. It is a heterogeneous mixture consist of many compounds which is taken and converted then utilized by bees in sealing their honeycombs holes, smoothing the internal parts of the combs, and providing protection to their residence against invaders. Recent studies which have been conducted on the propolis, showed that the propolis is a mixture of phenolic compounds (phenolic acid), polyphenols , flavonoids , Easters and various types of fatty acids, amino acids, alcohol, steroids, Caffeic acid, CAPE, quercitin , carbohydrates and many other substances that forms the propolis. We will write a custom essay sample on Propolis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Its composition may differ due to the difference of the source which is collected from. The differences in their chemical composition may affect the biological activities and may also cause some diversity although the properties are almost similar in all of it. Propolis has an interest according to its properties which make it unique. It might be used in therapeutic aspects such as anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, antiviral and antibacterial activities and also radioprotective properties. Propolis has anti-cancer or anti-tumor factors. It has been reported by many studies which noticed that propolis inhibits cancer cells growth and metastasis by stimulating the apoptosis and the immune system. Apoptosis is the mechanism of destroying and eliminating the Abnormal cells that includes cancer cells. This attribute may prevent the side effects caused by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are used in the treating cancer but in the same time they damage other organs and may cause other diseases or undesired effects. The only disadvantage of natural anti-cancer is the rate of activity which is faster in chemo and radiotherapy . Also, it has Anti-oxidant activity due to the presence of flavonoids which inhibits the lipid peroxidation and the oxidation of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and quercetin which is the most potent radical scavenger. Free radical scavengers may prevent the free radicals reactive species from being formed, or remove them before they can harmfully affect the components of the cell. In addition to these properties, it also has antibacterial, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-aggregatory, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial effects that make propolis the focus of attention of many scientists. Cancer (malignant tumor) is an abnormal growth of cells due to either presence of mutation in DNA or inhibiting in the tumor suppressors ( one of the checkpoints on the cell cycle ) which leads to fast growth of cancer cells, invading the organs, and destroying the adjacent cells to get the nutrition. Cancer may occur in any part of the lungs and causes damage to the lung and may lead to death . Lung cancer may be hereditary or acquired by many factors, for example, smoking cigarettes, asbestos and breathing carcinogens chemicals. However, the main causes of other types of cancers are still unknown yet. How to cite Propolis, Papers
Friday, April 24, 2020
The Stock Market, As Evidenced By The Events Of The Past Several Years
The stock market, as evidenced by the events of the past several years, is a delicate thing. Uncertainties regarding the market abide with justification. Not many market participants foresaw the extent to which the world markets would be affected by the Asian financial crisis. The news of widespread financial failures in Southeast Asia and Japan hit the American, European, and Latin American markets with force, with net losses of 10%-50% and up of the total stock market value. Yet, within months many of the battered markets, especially the American markets, have rebounded to record highs. In the wake of President Clinton's sex scandal and his recent impeachment, today's stock market investor is posed with the serious threat of market volatility. Johnson and Johnson, Inc. (NYSE: JNJ) is a company that is very suitable for the needs of today's cautious investor. It is one of the world's largest and most diversified health care product makers, with total projected 1998 revenue of over $23 billion. The company operates in three sectors: consumer products (with brands like Tylenol and Motrin analgesics, Reach toothbrushes, Band-Aid bandages), professional products (contact lenses, surgical instruments, joint replacements), and pharmaceuticals (including cancer treatment, antihistamines, and oral contraceptives). Johnson and Johnson (JAlso, JFurthermore, JHence, with its strong future prospects and historically modest pricing, Johnson and Johnson is a great choice for any investor, especially the conservative one. While doing research for this project, I came upon JBecause of the gross overvaluation within the stock market, I felt that only stocks with P/E ratios of no more than 35 may be considered. In order to lessen the risk inherent in investing in equities, I narrowed the list down further to large-cap companies with market capitalization of over $100 billion and whose Beta was less than 1.5. In order to ensure financial strength and shareholder value I included these additional criteria: ROE over 15%, Operating Margin over 10%, Long Term Debt/Equity no more than 1, EPS growth over 10%, and some dividend. Of the companies left, I excluded Exxon because of the recent severe drop in oil prices; as well as IBM, Merck, and Proctor and Gamble because the price of each seem to have hit a top with decreasing trading volume, indicating either a leveling off of the price or a possible drop. Thus, I chose Johnson and Johnson. Johnson and Johnson has $22.6 billion in sales and is the world's most comprehensive and broadly-based manufacturer of health care products, as well as a provider of related services, for the consumer, pharmaceutical and professional markets. Johnson and Johnson has 90,000 employees and 180 operating companies in 51 countries around the world, selling products in more than 175 countries. At $79.81 per share, JAccording to the New York Times, within the past 52 weeks JNJ has traded as low as $63.38 to a high of $89.75. Its EPS growth for the current year is 10.8%, and the EPS growth for the next year is projected to be 11.4%, according to Merrill Lynch Industry Analyst Kelly L. Shaughnessy. This indicates that not only are the Earnings Per Share increasing, they are doing so at a geometric pace, which is as important as the earnings growth itself. Using the 1997 Annual Report for JHowever, it is much less than the 2.8 of Procter In addition, Merck has P/E ratio of over 37 and Pfizer's is a staggering 67.24. J&J's P/E ratio of 31 seems much more
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Louisa Adams, First Lady 1825 - 1829
Louisa Adams, First Lady 1825 - 1829 Known for: Only foreign-born First Lady Dates: February 12, 1775 - May 15, 1852 Occupation: First Lady of the United States 1825 - 1829 Married to: John Quincy Adams Also known as: Louisa Catherine Johnson, Louisa Catherine Adams, Louise Johnson Adams About Louisa Adams Louisa Adams was born in London, England, making her the only US First Lady who was not born in America. Her father, a Maryland businessman whose brother signed the Bush Declaration of Support for Independence (1775), was the American consul in London; her mother, Catherine Nuth Johnson, was English. She studied in France and in England. Marriage She met American diplomat John Quincy Adams, son of American founder and future president John Adams, in 1794. They were married on July 26, 1797, despite the disapproval of the grooms mother, Abigail Adams. Immediately after the marriage, Louisa Adams father became bankrupt. Motherhood and Move to America After several miscarriages, Louisa Adams bore her first child, George Washington Adams. At that time, John Quincy Adams was serving as Minister to Prussia. Three weeks later, the family returned to America, where John Quincy Adams practiced law and, in 1803, was elected a US Senator. Two more sons were born in Washington, DC. Russia In 1809, Louisa Adams and their youngest son accompanied John Quincy Adams to St. Petersburg, where he served as Minister to Russia, leaving their older two sons to be raised and educated by John Quincy Adams parents. A daughter was born in Russia, but died at about a year old. In all, Louisa Adams was pregnant fourteen times. She miscarried nine times and one child was stillborn. She later blamed her long absence for the early deaths of the two older sons. Louisa Adams took up writing to keep her mind off her grief. In 1814, John Quincy Adams was called away on a diplomatic mission and, the next year, Louisa and her youngest son traveled in winter from St. Petersburg to France a risky and, as it turned out, challenging journey of forty days. For two years, the Adams lived in England with their three sons. Public Service in Washington On returning to America, John Quincy Adams became Secretary of State and then, in 1824, President of the United States, with Louisa Adams making many social calls to help him get elected. Louisa Adams disliked the politics of Washington and was fairly quiet as a First Lady. Just before the end of her husbands term in office, their oldest son died, perhaps by his own hands. Later the next oldest son died, probably as a result of his alcoholism. From 1830 to 1848, John Quincy Adams served as a Congressman. He collapsed on the floor of the House of Representatives in 1848. A year later Louisa Adams suffered a stroke. She died in 1852 in Washington, DC, and was buried in Quincy, Massachusetts, with her husband and her in-laws, John and Abigail Adams. Memoirs She wrote two unpublished books about her own life, with details about life around her in Europe and Washington: Record of My Life in 1825, and The Adventures of a Nobody in 1840. Places:  London, England; Paris, France; Maryland; Russia; Washington, D.C.; Quincy, Massachusetts Honors: When Louisa Adams died, both houses of Congress adjourned for the day of her funeral. She was the first woman so honored.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Enthalpy Change Definition in Science
Enthalpy Change Definition in Science An enthalpy change is approximately equal to the difference between the energy used to break bonds in a chemical reaction and the energy gained by the formation of new chemical bonds in the reaction. It describes the energy change of a system at constant pressure. Enthalpy change is denoted by ÃŽâ€H. At constant pressure, ÃŽâ€H equals the internal energy of the system added to the pressure-volume work done by the system on its surroundings. Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions For an endothermic reaction, ÃŽâ€H is a positive value. For an exothermic reaction, ÃŽâ€H has a negative value. This is because heat (thermal energy) is absorbed by the endothermic reaction, while it is released by the exothermic reaction. Enthalpy Change Versus Entropy Enthalpy change and entropy are related concepts. Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness of a system. In an exothermic reaction, the entropy of the surroundings increases. As heat is evolved, the energy imparted to the system increases disorder. In an endothermic reaction, the external entropy decreases. As heat is absorbed by a process or reaction, the kinetic energy of molecules in the surroundings decreases, which tends to reduce reduce disorder.
Friday, February 14, 2020
The Skylark Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Skylark - Essay Example This poem is studied and interpreted a number of times for analysis. Although an atheist himself, the Skylark is quite remarkable for its hints of a supreme being, although a bit indirectly only. He was also a fierce idealist who refused to compromise. He led an unconventional bohemian lifestyle representative of most people who are very creative. He traveled a lot and moved his residence several times, depending on his whims. Shelley’s â€Å"To a Skylark†is considered one of the greatest poems during the romantic English period. In this poem, Shelley used the poem to transform a reader’s consciousness by use of metaphor and simile to a great extent. The language used conveys the message which is at once active and urgent as expressed in the bird’s upwards flight (Shelley xlii). In the first few stanzas of the poem, the poet addressed the lark for the extreme noise it is making, efforts to distract potential predators because it nests on the ground and is therefore very vulnerable. Its noise is actually designed to distract predators from its nest and it continues to sing even while it is mostly unseen. Shelley compares it similarly to the human spirit that is unseen too. The purpose of the similes used by Shelley is to enhance the reader’s appreciation of the seemingly simple joys of a skylark. Shelley himself believed that poetry is essentially just a series of metaphors which utilize language’s vitality to demonstrate something abstract into something more concrete (ibid.). â€Å"To a Skylark†actually addresses a number of recurrent but important human themes such as joy, inspiration, idealism and aspirations which are largely intangibles but real nonetheless for all of us. The way to appreciate the poem’s merits is to fully realize that a poem is vitally metaphoric in nature. It is now up to the reader to use his imagination and creative thoughts to capture what the poet is trying to convey. All of these literary
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Headlines have made board diversity one of the key issues in corporate Essay
Headlines have made board diversity one of the key issues in corporate governance today, analyse the composition of the board of - Essay Example The move was prompted by the fact that although organizations sought to include women in non-executive appointments, there were little or no improvements in having women in executive posts (Treanor 2013). According to Neville and Treanor (2012), although the number of women in non-executive positions is on the rise, there is a stubbornly low number in senior management. Although some organizations have heeded to the call to have about 40% of the boardroom seats held by women, Norway which is ranked first has achieved about 35% non-executive directors after the government ordered firms to include women through quotas. In the United States, there are only 20 of the 500 S&P leading companies being led by women chief executives. Despite leading in the high number of women executives, the United States is not governed by quotas unlike European countries where board quotas have seen few female senior leaders and few chief executives. Joecks, Pull & Vetter (2012) highlight that despite the increase in the percentage of women in the workforce over years; there is a lag in the presentation of women in boardrooms as female directors. In addition, Joecks, Pull & Vetter (2012) note that the presentation of women in boardrooms fall behind in Europe owing to imposition of women quotas for countries like Norway, Netherlands, and France among others. The issue of inconsiderate female presentation in boardrooms is not just an issue without a cause. Joecks, Pull & Vetter (2012) reveal that fostering high female presentation in boardrooms is associated with either negative firm performance or positive performance. According to Treanor (2013), most companies have either a male-dominated boards or are all-male boards. The move to seclude women has long been attributed to the fact that males have had the right skills and attributes which could not be found in their female counterparts (Howard, 2013). However, time has changed this rule owing to the fact that more women have taken up education and have the potential to take up executive roles in organizations and promote high performance. Howard argues that organizational management should not be treated as one-size-fits –all and hence the need to consider diversity in the boardroom and more so gender diversity (2013). In addition, companies are needed to do away with governance regimes that do not meet the needs of the market, and changing times (Treanor 2013). Owing the seriousness of the issue, Treanor (2013), reveals that organizations are required to follow Lord Davies proposal in 2011 February which required that all companies to allocate 25% or a quarter of the boardroom seats to women. According to Joecks, Pull & Vetter (2012), the issues of women being underrepresented in boards is not only an issue in Germany but also internationally. According to Adams, Gray and Nowland (2013), the attainment of gender diversity in boardrooms has been a hard task especially where organizations have been left t o voluntarily handle executive appointments. This is because, most organizations have always considered appointing male executives at the expense of women. In this regard, women have faced unfairness and inequality in such appointments thereby remaining disadvantaged. This meant that, female directors have had discrimination and no efforts had changed such culture in organizations. Recently, the issue of boardroom gender diversity is of great focus and has seen countries impose gender quotas with the aim of improving firm performance
Friday, January 24, 2020
Hamlets Brilliant Outline :: essays papers
Hamlets Brilliant Outline What did Shakespeare know about the depths of a man and the battle inside to write a play that would captivate every generation to come from then on? As I analyze this play, I will carefully attend to details in which forms the structure of the play. Moreover I will attempt to show how in Act four of this play, Shakespeare proficiently brings together the main plot and sub-plots of the play, and moves rapidly towards the final resolution. Shakespeare decided to set corruption in Elsinor, a royal castle in medieval Denmark. Prior to the first act Hamlet’s mother, Queen Gertrude is widowed to King Hamlet. When this tragedy starts, we are introduced to Marcellus, Bernardo, and Francisco who guard the castle at night. While on watch an apparition of King Hamlet appeared to them and they then knew something was wrong, the question was what should they do. Once hamlet learns of his father’s return, he at once insists that he go on watch to witness his father’s appearance. The following night Hamlet’s father does appear and commands Hamlet to avenge his death. Hamlet’s father tells him of the corruption that has taken place behind the walls of Elsinor. He informs Hamlet of his uncle’s rage and what it has lead him to do. He tells Hamlet of the serpent who stung him, and how he goes by the name of Claudius. Hamlets composure wit, and strength would know be tested to their limits. What could Hamlet do, what would he do? A clever wit and common sense are his only hope to avenge his father’s death. Hamlet then lives in madness and by that madness hopes to force Claudius to confess his sin. Act One is considered to be a link in the revenge plot sequence, which is commonly known as the main plot. Act One distinguishes relationships between all of the characters in the play, and carefully develops an early rising climax, It allows the audience to be aware of the stirring plight, which would soon come to be unveiled. From Act Two to Act Four, it is solely the rising action of the play that we encounter, until we rapidly reach the climax in which murderous events take shape. (Act1-3) Hamlet displays actions of madness towards Ophilia; he uncovers the truth about his fathers’ murder, and learns it was truly his uncle who murdered him.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Cake Making
The Event: The mixer beats the egg yolks in a spiral motion, as the sugar is being added to the eggs. Due to the fat content of the egg yolks, the yolks are isolated from the egg whites to avoid the deflation in the rising of the whites. Two separate batters consisting of the egg whites which were whisked until it became frothy and the egg yolks were then mixed together with butter using a spatula in folding motion. After which a sifter was used to add the flour and the cocoa powder into the mixture while it was being whisked in the mixer.The oven was pre-heated to a temperature of 175F. The combined batter was then poured into a buttered spring-form pan which had been smoothly brushed with butter to avoid having the batter stick to the pan. The batter slowly started to solidify and rise higher. The point at which the cake starts to become golden in color is the sign to get the cake out of oven, since it is completely baked. Alongside, the juice of the cherries was being drained and the whipped cream was mixed with the vanilla sugar to form the blobs on the surface of the cake.The chocolate was separately being melted to get the icing ready. The melted chocolate was allowed to cool down and then started the process of assembling the cake. The Process: The success of the cake depends on the measurements used for the ingredients. The measurements needed should be taken carefully to prevent flaws in the outcome of the cake. If for any reason there is a mistake in the measurement of one or more of the ingredients, this may result in batter being too parched or too soggy. In which case, the batter will not be able to bake properly.The perfect outcome of the sponge of the cake depends on the uniformity and width of the batter, which will only be precise if the ingredients are perfectly measured. It is preferable to melt the butter first and then pour the egg mixture into the pan because it becomes easier for the baker to smoothly fold the mixture with the other ingre dients or else the mixture could stick to the pan and negatively affect the rising of the cake. Using a sifter to add in the dry ingredients such as the flour and cocoa powder, will control the amount of air that is in the batter, which is crucial in order to achieve the lightness of the sponge.Also, to achieve the perfect golden color of the sponge and the lightness, the heat of the oven should be set at a perfect temperature. While preparing the batter, the oven must be pre-heated to a temperature of 175F. To be totally ascertained that the sponge has cooked completely, a knife is popped in the centre of the cake, if it comes out without any batter stuck to it that means the sponge is baked and ready to be decorated. The sponge is then cut into three layers. The bottom two layers are sprinkled with kirsch and whipped cream mixed with vanilla sugar.Dried cherries are evenly placed on the whipped cream. The side of the top layer of the cake is then covered with the whipped cream and the surface is coated with chocolate icing. Finally, the blobs of whipped cream are evenly placed on the icing and a cherry is placed on each blob. The Procedure: The baker must have all ingredients measured and ready prior to the baking to ease the process of making the cake. He will then melt the butter in a pan and add the egg mixtures to it by carefully folding it with a spatula to stop the negative effect on the rising of the sponge.The baker will then make use of a sifter to add in the flour and the cocoa powder into the batter and combine the above mentioned dry ingredients. Then, he will pour the combined mixture in a buttered spring-form pan. Then, he will place the pan in the oven, which has been preheated at a temperature of 175F. After the cake is done, the baker will take it out and insert a knife in the sponge to test whether or not the batter has baked thoroughly, if the knife comes out without any batter stuck to it, then the cake is ready to be decorated.The baker will then cut the sponge into three layers and then place kirsch on the bottom layer. Spread the whipped cream mixed with vanilla sugar and place cherries on it and repeat the process with the middle layer. The sides of the top layer are then covered with the whipped cream mix and the surface has chocolate icing applied on it. Then the whipped cream blobs with cherries on top are made on the surface to make it look pretty. The cake is then ready to be served. Ingredients: -butter -175 g sugar – 6 eggs – 145 g flour 40 g margarine – 35 g cocoa powder – 1 jar of cherries – 2 tbs potato starch – 3 tbs sugar – 7 tbs kirsch – 500 ml whipping cream – 100 g chocolate confetti – 75 g chocolate – 8 g vanilla sugar (1 packing) Instructions: 1. Preheat the oven at 175 Â °C. 2. Sift the flour together with the cocoa powder. 3. Stir the sugar and the eggs with a mixer. 4. Melt the butter in a little pan. Pour the butte r to the egg mixture and fold it softly with a spatula. Add the flour and fold it again until you get a smooth mixture.Pour the batter into a buttered spring-form pan. 5. Place the spring-form in the middle of the oven. 6. Bake the cake for 45 minutes. 7. Take it out of the oven, let it cool down and turn it around. 8. Cut the cake horizontally into three layers. 9. Sprinkle these layers with kirsch (6 tbs in total). Drain the cherries and keep the juice. Bring the juice to the boil. Add the potato starch and keep on stirring to mix it. Add 3 tbs sugar, the drained cherries and 1 tbs kirsch to the juice. 10. Beat the whipping cream with the vanilla sugar.Cover the lowest layer of the cake with half the cherries and one-third of the whipped cream. Add the second layer. Cover it with the remaining cherries and the whipped cream. Add the third layer. Spread the side of the cake with the remaining whipped cream. 11. Melt the chocolate on a low fire. Let it cool down. Reheat the chocolat e until 37Â °C (99Â °F). Top the cake with the chocolate icing. 12. Cover the side of the cake with chocolate confetti. 13. Put blobs of whipped cream on the cake and put a cherry on each blob.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Fight For Gender Equality - 1392 Words
Feminism is the advocacy of equal rights among people; specifically fighting against gender inequality and gender stereotypes created by society. To some people, the feminist movement is a lost cause. Lost is defined as having perished; it s expired, it is no more. Right now, our society is arguing that feminism is lost, perished, or an expired social movement because we simply don t need it; America has reached the pinnacle of gender equality. Sadly, this idea snuck its way into our country s media and minds. I am here to tell you that the fight for gender equality has not expired and it never disappeared. It s true, women have the right to vote, women have obtained the right to have a legal abortion; we can create careers for ourselves without being frowned upon by society. But just because women CAN do countless things that we were incapable of over a century ago, doesn t mean the fight is over. Let me show you a few things third-wave feminists are advocating for today. We are fighting for the rights to our bodies What do I mean by that? Abortion laws, for instance. Regardless of if you are pro-choice or pro-life, you should have the right to make choices for your own self and well being. 38 states require women to receive counseling before an abortion and 28 of these states require a female to wait at least 24 hours before receiving their abortion. People say these laws grant a lady time to think about her decision and make sure she is doing the right thing.Show MoreRelatedThe Fight For Gender Equality Essay1357 Words  | 6 Pagesfigures, and thereby restricted to gender specific roles that otherwise downplayed the significance of women. In modern times, women and men fought for gender equality, but fighting for gender equality or feminism wasn’t confined to modern times. Furthermore, the fight for gender equality was not confined to the general public; artists, scientists, writers, and poets in some form argued for gender equality. Now, this essay won t focus on every aspect of ge nder equality by every single influential personRead MoreThe Fight For Gender Equality Essay1628 Words  | 7 Pagesone that you need to place a heavy emphasis on is the fight for gender equality. We, as a country, need you to raise this precious little girl a â€Å"knower†- a â€Å"knower†that they’ll be times she’s looked at as a sex object instead of the gorgeous young woman with a master’s degree that works in the office with all men, that gender equality in not only the workplace, but also in inalienable rights, is a battle our country needs to stand up and fight together for, and that feminism is an important topicRead MoreThe Fight For Gender Equality1282 Words  | 6 PagesThe fight for gender equality in the workplace has been ongoing for fifty years. Women have been looked to as inferior in the workplace in the United States for the better part of a decade. While they have made tremendous strides in getting equalization, ladies are still cheated out of the money that men are receiving for the same career. The gender wage gap is real and it grows over worker’s careers. Though it used to be a gap because of education between the genders, the education gap has beenRead MoreThe Fight For Equality Among Genders1687 Words  | 7 Pages THE FIGHT FOR EQUALITY Dilenny Reyes INR4603.0W59 April 27, 2015 The equality among genders is a debate that has long been fought in the international realm. Although this is time where women and men are more close to being equal than they have ever been, there are still many areas in which equality falls short. Feminism is a theory based on the rising of women in order to be equal with men. It is a theory that best represents the need for equality among the sexesRead MoreWomens Fight for Gender Equality1133 Words  | 5 Pagessuccess they contain now without the help from women. Even though men have the trait of overruling women, women continue to prove that they work diligently in their household and their workforce, and society must treat them as equals. In â€Å"Greater gender equality,†Adema points out that women devote just as much hard work as men do in life. No matter what employment gap women have from men in the workforce, women apply equal or more hours into not just one but two jobs (issue). Adema explains how differentRead MoreFeminism And Women s Rights On The Grounds Of Political, Social, And Economic Equality1686 Words  | 7 Pageswho despise men, or the victimization of women. By definition, feminism is â€Å"the advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.†While that is an accurate description of what feminism is, in a larger context, it is a fight for gender equality. Feminism is a contribution to overall gender equality, and not only limited to women’s rights. 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The debate about equality for both genders has dominated the media over the years, from the times of feminism (the 1980s) to post feminism (Hokowhitu). In politics, the belief about masculinity is still a major issue that has been discussed over the years. Women fight to receive equal treatment in leadership and representation at theRead MoreGender Inequality By Emma Watson1325 Words  | 6 Pagesovercoming it. Sometimes you ve got to blast through and have faith.†(Emma Watson) Gender inequality is a problem that people face in everyday life, whether it comes in the form of gender stereotypes or a pay difference, it’s something everyone deals with. As a UN Global Goodwill Ambassador, Emma Watson is striving to abolish gender inequality around the world. She is working with the program HeForShe to make gender equality not just a conversation topic, but tangible or substantial. 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