Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Rate Of Unwanted Teenage Pregnancies And Sexually...
The rates of unwanted teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases are drastically increasing. Sexual Education has become an effective way of enforcing safety precautions and informing teens about healthy sexual activity. Sexual Education is the act of educating others about intercourse, the anatomy of the human body, sexual reproduction, abstinence, and contraceptives. Elizabeth Boskey, a STD expert, believes that schools should teach sex education because of the positive effects it has on the students. However, Sol Gordon believes that the parents should be responsible for teaching their children about sex. Even though Elizabeth Boskey and Sol Gordon take different stances on how sex education should be taught, they both agree that children should be educated about sexually transmitted diseases, teen pregnancy, and safe sex. In Elizabeth Boskey’s article, â€Å"Top 10 Reasons to Support Comprehensive Education in Schools†she supports sexual education being taught in school. Boskey believes that schools cover the whole spectrum about safe sex and that schools effectively teach the students. She proves that not only do the schools teach abstinence, but the schools also teach their students how to engage in safe sex. Teaching the kids about abstinence doesn’t discourage the kids from engaging in sexual intercourse but teaching the kids about safe sex will allow them to engage in sex safely without endangering each other (Boskey Par. 2). The school also presentsShow MoreRelatedDisadvantages Of Sex Education1734 Words  | 7 Pagesthat follows is unwavering. Although we have a handful of children who aspire to be more successful, an alarming number of teenagers are slowly falling by the wayside, engaging in indecent sexual activity. Teens nowadays are starting to become sexually active at such a young age. It angers one to know that such young people who should be focusing on their education and their future are starting to en gage adult activities. Comprehensive sex education includes much more than a movie about menstruationRead MoreCondoms At School : Disaster Or Success1194 Words  | 5 Pagesto go home and tell their parents that they are pregnant, or that they have contracted a sexually transmitted disease (STD)? It does not sound very pleasant, does it? If teens were to have easy access to condoms these things may not be a problem. A condom is a thin latex sheath that acts as a barrier device (Bedsider, 2014). Condoms are used during intercourse as a barrier to protect from unwanted pregnancy and contracting STDs (Bedsider, 2014). Condoms are not only for use by males but there areRead MoreA Brief Analysis Of Sex Education1134 Words  | 5 Pagesprotect themselves and their partners from unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases†(Landry, Darroch, Singh, Higgins, 2003). It is clear that teens are beginning to participate in sexual activities at increasingly young ages, so teaching sex education solely from an abstinence-only perspective is not effective enough, leaving students with little knowledge about how to protect against sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, and emotional distress. Young adults in theRead MoreThe Importance Of Sex Education987 Words  | 4 Pagesqualified adult.In a perfect world, sex education should be taught in the home; however, with the rise of teenage pregnancy, it is evident that it is not being taught in the home. It is because of this alarming trend that I feel that it needs to be taught in school.Sex education provides many different benefits to the students. It can prevent unwanted pregnancies, reduce sexually transmitted diseases, and improve the self-esteem of the younger generation.It has a lot of effects and dangerous outcomesRead MoreEffects Of Birth Control On Children1677 Words  | 7 Pagesagainst their beliefs. Teens should be able to have easy access to birth control to assist with pre menstrual syndrome, prevent unwanted pregnancies, and gain knowledge about safe sex. Secondly, the cost of birth control is becoming cheaper, so the financial issue is becoming less of a problem and free birth control is helping to drastically lower unwanted teen pregnancies and abortions. In New York State, birth control has become free for everyone, regardless of personal health insurance. On anotherRead MoreSex Education, Why Should We Care?1310 Words  | 6 Pagesabstinence but also about a safer sex practice. Indeed, these types of programs have been included because of the increasing number of sexually-active teenagers, which are a matter of serious concern. Sex education helps teenagers to make better decisions – to either be abstinent or to practice a safer sex – allowing the prevention of unwanted pregnancies or sexually transmitted infections and having a great impact on the health of society. Debates about including sexual health education have taken placeRead More Benefits of Sexual Education Essay1258 Words  | 6 Pagesheightened sexual activity. The United States has suffered a great increase in sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy. One out of every ten teenage girls in the United States between the ages of 15-19 become pregnant. As a result, five of every six pregnancies are unintended. Ninety-two percent of all these â€Å"unintended†pregnancies are conceived premaritally. There is such a high rate of teenage pregnancy because of two main things: one, teenagers believe that conception is rare andRead MoreUnintended Pregnancy Prevention Essay1269 Words  | 6 Pagesmajority of teenage pregnancies, more than four out of five, are unplanned (Unintended Pregnancy Prevention). Whether teenagers believe in common myths that they cant get pregnant the first time having sex or they truly believe nothing like this could ever happen to the m, it happens to approximately seven hundred and fifty thousand teenagers in the United States each year. Although the birth control pill may not completely put an end to teenage pregnancies, it will decrease pregnancy rates among teenagersRead MoreTeen Pregnancy Should Be Pregnant Before The Age Of Twenty1504 Words  | 7 PagesThe United States has the highest teen birth rate in the world, every year the United States experiences 610,000 teen pregnancies (Bleakly 2006). The figures show that three in ten adolescent girls will become pregnant before the age of twenty. People ages 15-24 represent 25 eighteen 70 percent of United States females, and 62 percent of males have had sex. About 3.2 million adolescent females are infected with the most common STI’s, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea (Bleakly 2006). The likelihoodRead MoreAbstinence-Only vs. Comprehensive-Based Sex Education1301 Words  | 5 Pagescontroversial topic and many people have pushed for abstinence-onl y programs. The United States has alarmingly high rates of teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevalence when compared to other advanced countries. Even though there may be minimal differences in the amount of sexual activity in other countries, the U.S. still prevails in high rates of teenage pregnancy, births and abortions (Kohler, Manhart Lafferty, 2008). Providing education about both abstinence and birth control
Sunday, December 22, 2019
St. Vincent And The Grenadines Vs Guinea Essay - 1556 Words
Case 2-5 St. Vincent and the Grenadines vs Guinea Facts: On November the 13th 1997, a St. Vincent’s and Grenadine agent filed a case against Guinea concerning the release of Marine Vessel Saiga as well as its crew. The vessel had been taken into custody by the concerned authorities after being suspected to be used for smuggling purposes. During its seizure, the vessel was in the process of refueling both fishing vessels as well as normal vessels that were operating off the coast of Guinea. During the time of its arrest, the vessel was drifting within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Sierra Leone.St. Vincent and Guinea happen to be state parties of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the sea thus making the tribunal to have a jurisdiction in this particular case. Procedure: Issues 1. Was the Saiga in breach of violating customs laws while in the restricted economic zone of Guinea by refueling other vessels in these waters? 2. Is Guinea in infringement of the UN rule, Article 292 for failing to not be in line with the timely discharge of the vessel and crew upon getting the agreed bond? Holding: No Rule: During its seizure by the concerned authorities, the vessel was not in any violation of the existing laws that could link it to smuggling. The vessel was acting as a fishing fuel under the known facts that it was only refueling other vessels in the sea area. Concurring opinion The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea made a decision in this case thatShow MoreRelatedThe Cause of Globalization18688 Words  | 75 Pages7 0 0 10 0 10 0 10 3.7 4.6 10 1 981 Bahrain Barbados Botswana Brazil Chile Croatia Czech Republic Estonia Gabon Grenada Hungary Korea, Republic Lebanon Malaysia Mauritius Mexico Oman Panama Poland Saudi Arabia Seychelles Slovak Republic St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia Trinidad and Tobago Turkey Uruguay Venezuela Average SD 192 97 93 18 60 113 113 150 90 105 70 64 83 173 127 45 88 189 50 78 124 116 129 144 85 40 43 54 98 50 0.3 0.8 2.1 1.2 6.8 2.0 3.2 4.2 2.1 7.5 5.6 0.9 1.8 1.3 3.0 2.1 0.3 2.6
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Running Head Airline Industry Free Essays
Globalisation of world economies is forcing countries and companies alike to improve their competitiveness in the global market. This being the case, the American airlines industry is set for a shake-up given that thee sector is heavily shielded from external competition by the American government (Marketplace, 2008). This is because the ever increasing demand for national and international travel is creating bigger markets for airlines that can efficiently meet travellers needs, something that American companies become disadvantaged. We will write a custom essay sample on Running Head: Airline Industry or any similar topic only for you Order Now In order to position themselves better in the global market, global airlines have been merging in order to take advantage of economies of scale and increase connectivity among their routes (Haran, 2008). The biggest merger so far has been between the Holland based KLM and the Paris based Air France. With regard to American airline companies, the government has protected the industry for too long such that they are loosing out on the good fortunes that have befallen the industry. As a contribution to the debate of current trend in the Unites States’ airline industry, this paper shall concentrate on the recent merger indications between several US based airlines that were sparked by Delta and Northwest Airlines. The first section shall deal with the current situation in the industry, the second with the increasing need to open the industry to internal and global competition, and the third section, with reasons behind the current merger trend between within US Aniline companies. The sections shall be followed by a conclusion listing all the microeconomic issues discussed in the paper. Current State of the Industry The US airline industry has for long been an oligopolistic market dominated by several airlines. However, the increasing entry of budget airline in the industry has given the bigger players a run for their money, meaning that oligopolistic traits are increasingly being replaced by the competitive characteristics. The bigger and old players in the market face the headache of dealing with ageing aircraft that need constant repair (George, 2008). This means that costs of production has been increasing with rime, as the planes get older. Secondly, these big players find themselves being captive of labor unions representing employees, some of whom have operated with the airlines for decades. These kinds of increases in the cost of their operating mean that consumers of their services would pay more for travel. Contrary, budget airlines find themselves with newer aircraft that do not require constant repairs, reason being that they are relatively new in the market. In this regard, the budget airlines are able to operate at lower costs and therefore charge competitive fares for their services, much to the detriment of bigger and well established players. Budget airlines are less affected by union demands. In addition, the older airlines have for many years invested in other facilities whose maintainable increases the cost of operating their businesses, which further means that budget airlines would continue to out-compete their well established rivals. How to cite Running Head: Airline Industry, Essays
Friday, December 6, 2019
Gig a New Technology for Labour and Research-myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theGig a New Technology for Labour and Research. Answer: Introduction Gig Technology is an important aspect of Gig Economy that is emerging in the corporate sector as an effective and productive technology. In this concern, the report is evaluating the Gig technology in terms of adjusting to a new technology in the 21st century and its implication in different terms. Gig a new Technology In the present business environment, Gig Technology is an emerging technology in gig economy, which refers to the environment in which an organization may deal with self-governing workers for short-term arrangements. In the 21st century, the gig technology is rapidly emerging industry because it provides flexible work environment for the professional. Gig economy is also known as sharing economy in term of technology because both of the economies are based on the use similar technology but have some difference. In sharing economy, the government, organizations and individuals access the goods and services among the community through online platforms but in gig economy the workers track the work on their interest, availability and location through online platform (Friedman, 2014). Ultimately, the gig technology is defined as an environment, where the organizations provide flexible job opportunities towards hiring of freelancers and independent contractors. It works through various onl ine platforms where the interested workers can get work based on their interest and related field. This economy is compared with barter economy in which the goods and services are mostly exchanged to receive values in new way for effective results. In this way, the social norms and the traditions govern exchange of gifts for values. Therefore, barter economy is similar to gig economy in terms of creating values and almost has no any differences to gig economy. In both economies the values are exchanged to promote the workers as well as the customers. Additionally, the peer economy is almost different to gig economy and has no similarities in any concern (King, 2014). Because the peer economy is a decentralized form where the individuals are interrelate directly with each other to buy and sell goods and services without intermediation of third party. But the gig economy involves third party to provide work and services to the needed person. As well as, the term On-Demand economy is also similar to gig economy, which defines economic activities that are created by the technological organizations to fulfill the consumer demands. On-Demand economy drives its services by the use of efficient and instinctive digital web of top infrastructure networks. As gig economy, the term On-demand economy is revolutionized the commercial behavior around the world. On the other hand, the term access economy is different from gig economy because this kind of economy refers to leasing of things provisionally rather than selling permanently (Richardson, 2015). But, it is also similar to the gig economy as it is used to connect with employers for short term employment opportunities. Role of Gig Technology in the present economy On the basis of above discussion it can be identified in terms of benefits, office space and training the Gig technology plays big role in present economy. In this concern, different terms that are affected by gig technology discussed as below: Corporate and organizational culture: As Gig economy is also known as sharing economy, which is changing the scenario of business operations. The Gig technology is becoming helpful for the corporate and organizational culture to expose workers for with opportunities. In the present context, gig economy changed the workforce and employee relationships in different way (Graham et al., 2017). Through Gig Technology the workers provide their services with flexible working environments. Educational Sector and Knowledge Management: The Gig Technology is helpful in hiring freelancer talent that will help them to find people with the admirable qualifications in the related field. Contract basis jobs in the education sector are keeping pace with the flexible work growth. Gig technology increased the demand of high specialization educators such as virtual teacher, program educator, and tutor for better results. In this concern, many teachers and educators are hired for virtual position by the educational organizations. Therefore, online education is providing high quality education, which can fit for intended human needs and lives. On the other hand, with the help of gig economy organizations received complaints from the client as well as other team member (Friedman, 2014). The organizations can address all the tactical and strategic requirements to increase the client awareness and increase competitive pressures. Therefore, the Gig Technology is helpful for the educatio nal sector and knowledge management. Legal, Financial, Tax and Union related issues: In the present era, there is a rapid growth in the internet marketing platform, which have curved to spotlight on the labor laws. These increasing changes with new working platform have been created productive changes in the organizational policies. In an organization, to make the work related sense several types of laws and policies such as occupational safety, health law and income security laws are followed in proper way (Aloisi, 2015). But, in case of freelancer employees there will be not required for the employers to pay any taxes to the contractor and also not required to follow different laws and policies for the workers. Female Entrepreneurs (gender related themes): In recent, a female had only two options one is to lean in the job and other one is to opt out from the workplace. In this regard, the organizations are refusing these limitations for them with the help of gig technology. Through the gig technology, the organizations are providing a working platform, which opens different alternative for female workers with time flexibility. Hence, the Gig Technology is beneficial for the female workers who are qualified and want to work further. Conclusion From the above discussion it can be concluded that Gig technology changed the working scenario of the organizations with working flexibility for the professionals. In this sense, it is observed that the Gig Technology may be used by the organization as a new technology to recruit better professionals and expand the business at global level. References Aloisi, A. (2015) Commoditized workers: Case study research on labor law issues arising from a set of on-demand/gig economy platforms.Comp. Lab. L. Pol'y J.,37, pp. 653-657. Friedman, G. (2014) Workers without employers: shadow corporations and the rise of the gig economy.Review of Keynesian Economics,2(2), pp. 171-188. Graham, M., Hjorth, I., and Lehdonvirta, V. (2017) Digital labour and development: impacts of global digital labour platforms and the gig economy on worker livelihoods.Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research,23(2), pp. 135-162. King, M. W. (2014) Protecting and representing workers in the new gig economy.New Labor in New York. Precarious Workers and the Future of the Labor Movement, pp. 150-170. Richardson, L. (2015) Performing the sharing economy.Geoforum,67, pp. 121-129.
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