Friday, November 29, 2019
Business Entities, Laws and Regulations
Starting a restaurant/bar The case of starting the business for the two friends, Lou and Jose, has implications in terms of entity, Laws and regulations. The best business entity for this choice of business is a partnership. The reason for this selection is that there is scanty information on the experiences of the two friends with regard to management of a restaurant as well as a bar.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Business Entities, Laws and Regulations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More If the assumption is that the two friends have business management skills, a general form of partnership is ideal (Bevans, 2006, p 73). There is also ready capital funding from the investor. Since the agreement with the investor s that the investor gains a percentage ownership, the implication draws management commitment to Lou and Jose. Taxation implications During the first years of the operation of a partnership, it is expected that operating losses may be incurred. As a result, these losses are shared amongst the partners operating the business. The implication is that the returns of the partners is not nominated for taxation, but could be exempted. Secondly, in comparison with other business entities like corporations, taxation is done at the level of investor or partner with regard to business earnings (Smith, 2009, p 6). Due to these tax benefits, this form of business entity is ideal for these entrepreneurs. Liability issues A general partnership in this case has an unlimited liability. This comes as a disadvantage to the partners since there is lack of protection of the partners’ assets in the event of creditors claim. However, for this kind of arrangement, the risk to the partners is low considering the fact that capital will be provided by an investor who will own the business partially. Laws and regulations The laws and regulations for starting a restaurant require compliance to some laws and regulations. Some of the laws and regulations require a registration certificate in the state, health department regulations certificates, fire department permits, sales tax registration, building, and construction permit. Other regulations that require compliance will be acquisition of state liquor license for the operation of the bar. The major risks involved in running a restaurant are financial. The business is a lucrative venture but it does not have direct success particularly in its start up stages (Lee, 2005)Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Birth clinic business start-up The two friends do not have sponsorship able to finance their business start up costs. Depending on their mode of running the business, they can choose either a partnership or sole proprietorship. The ideal entity in their case would be a general partnership. As the business w ill be in its initial stages, management and responsibility of Tara and Akiva would be highly required. This is preferred to limited partnership due to its simplicity in running the business (Spadaccini, 2010). Since they are certified and licensed practitioners, they can choose to bring other interested practitioners in their business in order to help secure the huge start up loan that they intend to borrow. Taxation issues With regard to taxation, partnerships have tax advantages leading to crucial comments claiming that taxes are only reported in partnerships but not paid. Since it is a general partnership, its tax implications resemble those enjoyed by the starters of restaurant above. Taxation depends on the nature of the investors as well as business earnings. Liability Running the clinic as a general partnership has an unlimited liability to the partners. In the event of failure to pay back the borrowed loan, the creditors have a right to take the assets of either the partner . The implication therefore is that each partner has a full liability to the obligation of the business Laws and regulations Before starting a birth clinic business, one has to pass experience and education aspects in order to obtain a license as a practitioner. Since the two friends already have these basic requirements everything the legal requirements for the area that they should register the business for taxation purposes as required by their state or country of operation. Under the medical regulations, equipment and construction requirements should be up-to-date for those willing to establish private medical clinics. During practice there, are set codes that medical practitioners are required to adhere to. For instance, physician’s codes spells out the conduct and behavior of physicians, medical assistant’s code that defines the ethics of a person affiliated to a medical organization (Keir, 2007, p 53) The risks involved in the practice of private clinics are whe n the patients develop complications requiring intensive care admission, where the facilities available cannot handle the situation. As a business, the risk involves money investment. Should the business fail to perform, the two investors may find it hard to repay the huge loan borrowed to fund the startup costs.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Business Entities, Laws and Regulations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Construction Scenario Michelle is an experienced person in the operation of the jackhammer. Because of her qualifications, she is a probable candidate for the advertized position. The hiring manager must not discriminate against her condition and deny her the position. She is covered under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA), which prohibits discrimination against pregnant women at the workplace (Ford, 2011). In the case of Nick, he is a college graduate suitable for the jackhammer despit e being epileptic. Therefore, he shall not be discriminated against because of his epileptic condition bearing in mind the Disability Discrimination Act. With provisions of this Act, he shall not be disadvantaged on grounds of epilepsy. Felipe has two disadvantages in his employability. In the first place, he has a language barrier such that he cannot speak any English. Secondly, he doesn’t have a high school diploma. However, he has experience enough with a jackhammer. Felipe has a chance to be considered for the post advertized by the hiring manager on grounds of experience. Besides, the Jobseeker’s Employment Act (JEA), entitles to getting employed without being discriminated against due to a language barrier. On the other hand, due to law qualifications, this Act also covers him with respect to age and compensation he is entitled to as a worker (Schimdt, 2000). With respect to Erick, age is a factor to consider. Although, he does not have the educational qualificat ions, there is no doubt that he is the most experienced of the applicants. Others have relative experiences. In some cases, applicants do have required academic merits for the position but lack the comparative experience held by Eric. If the construction company seeks quality output at the jackhammer, Eric is the choice. However, it is natural for the hiring manager to be indifferent to Eric’s application, considering his age. Assuming that he is not hired because of his age, he can petition this discrimination under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act 1967(Sergeant, 2006, p 91). References Bevans, N.R. (2006). Business organizations and the cooperate law. Clifton: Thomson DelmerAdvertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ford, L.E. (2011). Women and Politics: the Pursuit of Equality. Boston: Cengage Learning Keir, L. (2007). Medical assisting: administrative and clinical competencies. New York: Thompson Learning. Lee, R. (2005). The Everything Guide to Starting and Running a Restaurant: Secrets to a Successful Business. Avon: F+W media, Inc. Schmidt, R. (2000). Language Policy and Identity Politics in the United States. Philadelphia: Temple University Press Smith, J.E. (2009). Taxation of Business Entities 2009. Mason: Cengage Learning. Spadaccini, M. (2010). Forming an LLC: In Any State. Miller Works: Entrepreneur Media, Inc. Sergeant, M. (2006). Age Discrimination in Employment, Volume 13. New York: Gower Publishing. This research paper on Business Entities, Laws and Regulations was written and submitted by user Carley P. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Akindele Owolabi Essays (991 words) - Academic Writing, Free Essays
Akindele Owolabi Essays (991 words) - Academic Writing, Free Essays Akindele Owolabi Jovonne Bickerstaff English 104-25 October 27, 2015 Critical writing The guidelines for what was considered critical writing in the past was very strict. An important reason for this strictness is that writing could not be shared through different mediums. Unlike the limited amount of mediums in the past, today there are a plethora such as social networking sites, blogs, and online articles. Critical writing in the past took much effort because writers then lacked resources such as online databases. One would have to read multiple books to find things that can be used in his or her writing. Because of the effort it took to write such scholarly essays, there were strict guidelines as to what people would have considered critical writing. In the present, however, critical writing has become easier. There are many sources of information, easier citation methods, and less complicated ways to get writing to the public and all of those things can be done on a single device. Because writers don't have to get through a publisher to have their work seen b y others today, important steps that I feel one's work needs to complete in order to be considered critical writing are omitted. Some of those steps include proper citations, lists of works cited, and statements that are defendable with facts. For me, critical writing can be posted anywhere as long as it uses facts from a credible source of information and gives credit to that source in the proper way. The reason being is if those repercussions aren't taken, false information can be given to the public and the public wouldn't We already have that problem, people not knowing what to believe on the internet, and that is because of poor citing of sources. For me its really all about ensuring the fact that correct information is given. The only way to ensure that in my opinion is to basically prove everything that is being said using already credible facts. A perfect example that shows the results of uncredited pieces was the posting of the infamous picture from the million-man march in 1995. Because no one was giving credit to the Photographer and properly citing it, people mistook that picture for one that was taken in the 2015 anniversary. Another incident where incorrect information was given was during the summer of 2015 when Sandra bland was allegedly killed in police custody. The way she died is still is unknown however one day someone decided to post a video of a dead woman getting dragged out of a police car with no proof that it was Sandra bland but still claiming that it was her. This is why citing is important, it prevents false information from being spread. Although I have strict guidelines as to what I consider critical writing, that is not to say I think writing that I don't consider critical should be ignored. The article Can We Stop Pretending That Ben Carson Is Running for President? By Jason Johnson is a perfect example of writing that shouldn't be ignored but isn't considered critical writing to me. To me this article is not considered critical writing because it doesn't have some of the factors that I stated previously. It does not properly cite all sources and does not have a part of the article dedicated to works cited. Johnson states multiple things without having solid facts to defend them or giving credit to his sources. For example, Johnson states "Gingrich, who raised $23 million in his campaign, only to win one primary state. In the meantime, he managed to go to the all-important Hawaiian primary just in time for his wedding anniversary". Although what he states about Gingrich's whereabouts and actions may be facts, I don't see where he got the information on. Johnson goes on to state more stats on different presidents' campaign totals and what they used the money for but we still don't know where he got the information from. That is why I don't see this article and others that are similar to is as critical writing. For quick information although it may not be completely true, I would read the article. A great example of critical writing to me is Writing
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Case Study Example The HR manager is also considered to be responsible for making the employees acknowledge the rules as well as regulations developed to accomplish success for the company. Thus, the HR manager needs to accept huge responsibilities which are meant to be executed for making certain of an effective performance of the company. The HR manager with regard to the concerned company is required to develop a set of questionnaire in order to interview all the employees. On the basis of the outcome of the interview, a list would be prepared for providing training to the employees in accordance with their capabilities. Specified rules as well as regulations would be developed for enhancing the morale of the employees. The performance of the employees should be scrutinized for motivating them to raise the level of their related performances. Employees need to be awarded on the basis of the degree of service provided towards the accomplishment of the purpose with regard to the company. The HR manage r is also considered to be responsible for assigning tasks to the employees in order to contribute towards the success of the company. The manager would also be accountable for formulating human resource policies as well as participating with the management of the company for developing plans and policies. The HR manager should also take part in designing strategic plans as well as deciding on the requirement of employees for the company. The employees should be selected on the basis of their suitability for the intended job and proper training facilities should be offered to enhance their performances. The employees providing better services should be awarded whereas the others should be encouraged to enhance their performances (Tutebox, â€Å"Roles and Responsibilities of Human Resource Department/Manager†). Thus, the tasks of a HR manager in a medium sized company have been summarized below: Prepare questionnaires for interviewing the employees Create a comprehensive list on the basis of the interviews In accordance with the list, employees would be trained as well as assigned tasks to be performed The performance of the employees should be scrutinized The employees performing well should be awarded while others should be motivated to improve their respective performances Ensure that the employees are working in accordance with the rules as well policies of the company. Accomplishment of the objectives of the company These are the plans which should be presented before the Senior Management with special consideration towards motivating the morale of the employees as well as providing better training facilities for enhancing their performances. Task Two The 15-20 questions to be asked to the employees of the company are: What types of aspects do you find challenging about your job? Is there a team approach in relation to your work? Do you follow individuality in your work, or do you have to pursue strict guidelines? Are you provided with proper traini ng prior to the assignment of new kinds of tasks? What is the work environment like – relaxed, competitive, exciting? What is the probable salary range for someone in this occupation according to you? Are there incentives for upgrading or taking extra courses to improve your performance? What sorts of opportunities for innovation exist? Does your profession obtain the optimum benefit of your
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Analysis of THE WIRE-Episode 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Analysis of THE WIRE-Episode 3 - Essay Example With Pryzbylewski and Colvin and other characters the story makes a deeper impact on the minds of audience. For Pryzbylewski, it is heard to teach students in an environment which is infected by drugs and unethical values and behaviors. The episode is a fine mixture of different topics and events that revolves around different subjects and characters. The episode covers the most controversial topic that how people play an effective role in running the politics. It starts from the scene when the Mayor Clarence Royce meets with the police commissioner Ervin Burrell to disclose his opinion on the brutal killing of a murder witness. However, his failure caused him a greater disadvantage over his opponent Tommy Carcetti that gained him a clear distinction in votes over Royce. On the other hand, Burrell assures the mayor that investigations will be made in order to find out the real case behind the brutal murder of the witness. Royce plans on how he can win a complete victory over Carcetti. He knows how to play his dirty political cards rightly against Carcetti. He orders Parker to demotivate Carcetti’s supporters and at the same time, he asks Burrell and Demper to organize a press conference and take all the blam e of this specific murder on their shoulders; leaving him as an innocent Mayor who has been kept uninformed of all the situation and the gravity of the situation. His dirty thoughts start worrying Demper who is very much conscious about his own reputation in the re-election campaign but Royce threatens him and his career. Watkins silently observes the entire situation and blames Royce for his actions. Earlier, he has proposed a witness protection scheme and lays down the plans for its funding but Royce wanted to make sure that funds for the scheme should match his own budget. As a result, the Royce failed to guarantee life security to the witness and is now facing all the stern opposition
Monday, November 18, 2019
A Newest Diagnostic Tool or Intervention for Diabetes in Adults or Article
A Newest Diagnostic Tool or Intervention for Diabetes in Adults or Children - Article Example The first step involves implantation of the B-cells which can be done through donor pancreas and molecular genetic engineering which can help in replacing the defective B-cells in diabetic patients. However, certain obstacles are present which include the reduced number of donors, immune reactions and rejections in receiving patients. According to the research, different types of sensors can be utilized for glucose monitoring which include enzymatic sensors and optical sensors and some other sensors which are currently under study. Enzymatic sensors consist of an immobilized enzyme with an electrochemical transducer which will be a part of the artificial pancreas. This sensor will then transmit glucose levels monitored signals to an implanted insulin pump. Some problems that may arise include inflammatory reactions which can reject the sensor or even reduce the glucose levels. A more advanced sensor is optical sensor which is both non-invasive and advanced. With a light beam entering a blood vessel, the glucose concentration in the blood can be detected by the absorption pattern of the infra-red radiations. The obstacles which include interference of other molecules like water or hemoglobin the absorption pattern are being overcome by new methods like Kromoscopy. This analytical method separates the absorption pattern of glucose more efficiently and is a better technique. Implantable insulin pump is the next intervention that completes the artificial pancreas. Insulin pumps release insulin at the right time and correct amounts according to the information relayed by the glucose sensors. Implantable insulin pumps (IIPs) are preferred over the previously used external pumps because they are more reliable and function in a more accurate manner (Jaremko & Rorstad 1998). An IIP is surgically implanted and would replace the conventional insulin injection administered per day. The total life-span of this implant will be of three years and will pump insulin according t o the glucose concentrations. According to a cohort study the glycosylated hemoglobin levels were found to be reduced from 7.4%to 7.1 % after an observed therapy with IIPs for twelve months. Some complications occurring with the pump include catheter blockage and mechanical failure of the pump and insulin antibody formation. The catheter blockage was discovered when the infusions were found to be slow and irregular. A control system is required for the regulation of the glucose levels and it would be implanted in the artificial pancreas. The system will assess the glucose levels and then accordingly allow the infusion of insulin into the bloodstream. The concept of artificial implanted pancreas can be very efficiently projected if all the three components are projected and designed with the right technology and design. The major obstacle in the achievement of this concept is glucose sensors because of several reasons like incompatibility, self-monitoring problems and properly execut ed technology (Jaremko & Rorstad 1998). Renard et al in 2010 established the feasibility of the artificial pancreas through a research on intraperitoneal insulin pumps and glucose sensors which was considered more effective rather than subcutaneous implanted pumps and glucose sensors. Eight diabetic patients were used for a randomized control trial and comparison
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Virtue Ethics And Deontology
Virtue Ethics And Deontology The purpose of this essay is to talk about virtue ethics, Deontology and I m going to talk about its meaning and how a person that practices, or have this kind of ethics system will act if he or she would be in a dilemma; it is important to remember that I am going to show this on the different ethics systems that I am going to talk about, and that Ill explain it with some examples that weve learned in class. Another thing that I am going to express in this essay is my opinion about each ethic system that I will talk about. Virtue ethics is a system of ethics that emphasizes on the virtues or the moral character of the people. This means that it is based on what the person had done if he has done bad things then he has a bad moral character. Supposing that someone needs help then, someone that practices the virtue ethics will eventually help him if he is a good person, he would help him because in that case the person that is helping is doing charity or benevolence. Now Ill explain it with an example that Ive seen in the class of Mr. Stevens: Suppose that there is a train that is going to crash five people and if you turn the roads of the train u kill one person; suppose that person is good and the other five are bad persons with bad moral character so someone that practices virtue ethics will let the train to kill the five people. Virtue ethics is based on some features that are: -Its guiding question: What should I do? -Emphasis on character, not on individual actions. The goodness comes from the people that perform the act not vice versa, this means that the good people here is the one that performs the act. -It is based on the character of the person that you are helping if he is someone that has patience or benevolence he has virtues, and if he is someone that has cowardice or laziness, etc he has vices and he is not a virtuous person. -To have a virtue is to respond to some certain sorts of situations or circumstances in the appropriate way, for example: having courage in a difficult or dangerous situation. -Good people are virtuous and they dont have vices. It is important to remember that the virtue ethics were created by the Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato. It was originated in the Greek Philosophy on that time. Deontology Deontology, also called deontological ethics, is a system of ethic that judges the morality (if its a good action or it is a bad action) of an action if the action is based on some rules or duties. So deontologists do their actions according to a rule or a duty that we can find in two main schools of deontology that are: Kant: As I have said before Deontology obeys rules and Inter Kant, that was a deontologist proposed three laws: Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law. Act as though the maxim of your action were by your will to become a universal law of nature. Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only. This one was old, he was born on 1724 and died on 1804.There is other school of deontology and it is more modern that is the W.D.Ross (1877-1971) He says that the actions on deontology were judged according to some duties that he stated, that are: Duties stemming from ones own previous actions: 1. fidelity: duty to fulfill (explicit and implicit) promises/agreements into which one has entered 2. Reparation: duty to make up for wrongful acts previously done to others Duties stemming from the previous actions of others: 3. gratitude: duty to repay others for past favors done for oneself Duties stemming from the (possibility of) a mismatch between persons pleasure or happiness and their merit: 4. justice: duty to prevent or correct such a mismatch Duties stemming from the possibility of improving the conditions of others with respect to virtue, intelligence, or pleasure: 5. beneficence: duty to improve the conditions of others in these respects Duties stemming from the possibility of improving ones own condition with respect to virtue or intelligence: 6. self-improvement : duty to improve ones own condition in these respects Special duty to be distinguished from the duty of beneficence: 7. Non-maleficence: duty not to injure others So then according to the train example I have explained after in this essay a deontologist will let the 5 guys to die, even if they were bad persons. Ill explain it with a law that is the rule number 1 of Kant school. So a deontologist will let the 5 people to die because he follows rules, and in that case what will happen if all people would be doing an action to kill one people, the person that is doing the action is not killing him, but he is doing an action, there. My opinion about this ethic system, is that this ethics system is a good system because, it respects the life of everyone and the duties and laws are very good proposed because they let you make a good decision in which you would not feel guilty at the end.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Effect of Temperature on Air Pressure :: science
The Effect of Temperature on Air Pressure DESCRIPTION: My project consists of a series experiments to determine the effect of air pressure in a given environment at various temperatures. The experiments I chose to conduct are: 1) Heat an ordinary pop can on a hot plate and then putting the can upside down in cold water to see the effect of a fast change in temperature. 2) Partially full milk jug with hot water, put the cap on tightly, and let it sit for one hour to see the effect of a slow change in temperature. 3) Setting a small piece of paper on fire and then putting it inside a plastic bottle. Before the flame goes out, a pealed hard-boiled egg will be placed over the opening. PROBLEM: The problem is to determine the effects of air pressure at different temperatures. Since we cannot see air, we will attempt to determine if air exerts a force? HYPOTHESIS: My hypothesis for: 1) the experiment with the pop can is that the can will crush because of a drastic change in temperature. 2) the experiment with the milk jug and the hot water is that the milk jug will remain the same. 3) the experiment with the egg and the bottle is that the egg will not be sucked in the bottle. PROCEDURE: For the first experiment the procedure is: 1) Heat an ordinary pop can on a hot plate. 2) After about fifteen minutes take the can off the hot plate and put it upside-down in a pan of cold water. 3) Record my observations on a piece of paper. 4) Write my conclusions in my science fair logbook. For the second experiment my procedure is: 1) Get an empty gallon milk jug at room temperature. 2) Heat to water to just before the boiling point on a hot plate. 3) Fill the milk jug about quarter of the way with hot water. 4) Put the lid on tightly 5) Wait one hour and record my observations and conclusions. For the third experiment my procedure is: 1) Get a medium sized bottle. 2) Peel a hard boiled egg. 3) Light a small piece of paper on fire and put it inside the bottle. 4) Before the flame goes out put the pealed egg over the opening of the bottle. 5) Record my observations on a piece of paper.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Paraphrasing and Summarizing Essay
Paraphrasing is restating someone else’s ideas in your own words while providing proper in-text citations and references to acknowledge the original source, and let the readers know that the idea is not yours. It plays an important role in academic documents, legal documents, articles journals, etc. It requires crucial thinking, understanding and writing skills to rephrase a document in your own words.| paraphrasing reflects the understanding of a person rather than the writer who has presented the original work. Moreoever, a good quality paraphrased version of a work can be more concise and yet thorough than the original piece of writing. A summary is a concise version of a long detailed text while keeping the context clear. A summary can also be called an abstract, synopsis, executive summary or recap of the original. It highlights the main points of the original text, but it is smaller than the main article. Without summaries, a reader would have to read the entire text that definitely needs a lot of time. Instructions Summarizing 1. Read the original text straight through, quickly but thoroughly. 2. Reread the original material, highlight ideas that stand out to you as being important, and underline key terms. 3. Break the text into sections, with each conveying one of the author’s main points. The goal of a summary is to express the central ideas of the original work, leaving out secondary material. 4. Write your summary in sentence form, using the main points and key terms as the muscle of your summary. Try to keep the ideas in your summary organized in the same sequence as in the original text. 5. Compare the original text to your summary to ensure you have covered the main ideas and haven’t left out any key terms. Paraphrasing 1. Read the original text straight through, quickly but thoroughly. 2. Reread the original material, taking note of the concept the author is trying to convey. 3. Express the text in your own words without changing the author’s meaning. The goal of a paraphrase is to rewrite the original text without leaving out anything of substance. 4. Compare the original text to your paraphrase to ensure you have captured the essence of the author’s ideas and have not quoted the text directly. The paraphrase must be written with language and sentence structure entirely your own.
Friday, November 8, 2019
kafka essays
kafka essays Franz Kafka was born in Prague, Bohemia, July 3, 1883 and died June 3, 1924 of tuberculosis at the age of 40. He came from a middle-class Jewish family. His father was a shopkeeper and tried to climb up the social ladder by working hard at his shop and sending Franz to a prestigious German high school. He went on to get a law degree and worked for two insurance companies (not at the same time) When his .tuberculosis got bad in 1917 he was put on temporary retirement with a pension. German was the language the upper class spoke and by sending Franz to German schools his father tried to disassociate from the lower class Jewish who lived in the ghetto. They were always moving from apartment to apartment advancing as the business grew. Franz had a very strained relationship with his father that traumatically affected his whole life. This is apparent in a letter to his father he wrote, What was always incomprehensible to me was your total lack of feeling for the suffering and shame you could inflict on me with your words and judgments. It was as though you had no notion of your power (Letter) . Max Brod and Franz met in college and became life long friends. It was Max who persuaded Franz to publish some of his work and it was Max who was responsible for most of the Kafka writings that are available today. Franz had entrusted his manuscripts to Max and in his last will and testament specified that all his work was to be destroyed. Instead Max had them published after Franz death. Although he never married, he was engaged several times but always broke the engagement as the wedding day would approach. Most of the biographies about him tell of his problem with women and repulsion from sex and say that it was evident in his writings. In an entry in his diary he wrote Coitus as the punishment for the happiness of being together (Constructing). His romances and engagements are well documented...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Ideology of Luther Essays
The Ideology of Luther Essays The Ideology of Luther Essay The Ideology of Luther Essay There was widespread support for Luthers ideas in Germany because they appealed to all the classes, highlighting current weaknesses of the church that had been abhorred for years and developing complaints already noted by other dissidents. But more than that they proposed a change, a reform, which at the time was embraced with an enthusiasm, which could only have been because of a desire for change from the laity and a desire for economic and political gain from the Princes. Initially Luthers95 Thesis was not an attempt to rouse the people into a revolt, but to prompt an academic debate. However because of the provocative nature of the Thesis it attracted the attention of the German people who were well aware of the Churchs deficiencies. The increasingly literate middle class criticized Church doctrines and relics, anti-clericalism among the peasants were concerned with tithe and taxes (it is important to note here that because of The Holy Roman Empires lack of a central authority in Germany taxes to the Church were significantly higher than anywhere else) and the Princes resented the amount of land and power the Church and monasteries had in their provinces. The growing grievances felt by the people of Germany supplied Luther with an eager audience, so by 1518 Luthers Thesis had been translated into German, from the original Latin, and spread throughout Germany and Europe. The meeting at Augsburg in 1518 and the debate with Johannes Eck in 1519 only served to increase Luthers notoriety among the people of Germany and to cement Luthers belief in the misguided actions of the Catholic Church. One of the main reasons Luthers work was able to become popular across Germany in such a short space of time was the invention of the printing press in 1440. This led to a popularity of spiritual works and humanists were at the forefront of popular reading,Enchiridio
Monday, November 4, 2019
Develop a Game or Activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Develop a Game or Activity - Essay Example They found that most of the employees know nothing about people working around them. They decide to introduce new ritual: a small birthday party for every employee, but they concern about their cultural and personal beliefs which can affect such celebrations. The task of trainees is to gather information about colleagues, and image how the staff would organize different birthday parties. Theme "How well do you know the people around you' First part: The employees will be divided into two groups. Using the Intranet (and telephone) employees have to gather information about their colleagues (from the competitors group), and find possible similarities and differences about age, culture, religion, etc. Time limits: 40 min. Second part: Both groups have to make a small birthday presentation for one of the employees (form another group) according to his preferences and cultural values (role play). Analysis This activity (game) was chosen because the rise of computers at work has not only increased the need for computer skills training, but also created new training formats. Computer-based training is interactive, self-paced instruction using software teaching tools. Computer-based training can take a variety of forms. Some companies have staffed computer labs where employees can drop by to practice, with personal assistance available if needed. This game develops research and analytical skills, groupthink and problem solving skills. It has little to do with organizational context, but it will help employees to know each other and improve their communication. Performance support systems are useful because participants in a training program (game) can retain only a limited amount of information and usually not as much as has been taught. With a performance support system, however, employees can get training help and information at the exact time needed--the "trainable moment." Computer-related "knowledge" jobs, in which employees follow certain specified procedures lend themselves most readily to performance support systems. But these systems also help train employees on job tasks that require problem-solving and decision-making skills (Allen 1996). This game will help to examine managerial communication and its impact on different employees, identify its strengths and weaknesses. This game has some elements of the role play because trainees are asked not just to imitate the performance, but also to apply these skills and behaviors to a sample situation in which different individuals play certain roles. Solving and discussing problems helps trainees learn technical material and content, and role plays are an excellent way of applying the interpersonal skills being emphasized in the training. If done well, role plays give trainees the opportunity to integrate new skills with job behavior. This method enhances further training by illustrating how to apply instruction in practice. Demonstrations are ideal for basic skills training, while role playing works well for building complex behaviors such as interpersonal or management skills. During this game,
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Nursing Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Nursing Case Study - Essay Example I have also experienced various treatment procedures of many AIDS patients and faced difficulties while handling these cases, as the professional methods are continuously changing along with the practices that are based on treatment skills. In order to reflect on the subject matter, I have chosen Gibbs reflective model of nursing. Gibbs model of nursing involves a description of the case, evaluation of the treatment experience, diagnostics of patient’s situation, a proposed action plan, and final recommendations (Jasper, 2003). I have also made use of NHIVNA competency to treat an outpatient of HIV/AIDS. Additionally, I have also employed the case study method to demonstrate learning and applications of nursing practices that I have experienced while treating an AIDS outpatient. Scenario/Description of the Incidence: One of the cases that I have dealt with is that of Mr. Jones David, a 52-year-old white American man, who visited the HIV clinic for the first time in his life. L ooking at the diagnostics and tests undertaken, I recommended him to visit me in the clinic after diagnosing him with HIV during my visit to the central jail. For me as a professional nurse it was very important to note down his social interactions, because this has a direct impact on the patient’s health. ... I and other nurses checked all prisoners and took blood samples in order to diagnose prisoners for different health related issues. When Mr. David was diagnosed with HIV, I tended to take his treatment as a challenge and began the investigation about his lifestyle and measure of health consciousness that have put him at a higher risk of HIV disease (, 2005). However, he kept on denying his involvement in activities such as sex with other men in jail or intake of abusive drugs while he was imprisoned. When I interviewed him, he told me that he was married before going to prison. However, his wife divorced him after six years of his imprisonment in jail. I also learned that he has two young kids with whom he is no more in contact after his divorce. This gave me a clear idea that he currently lacks a family lifestyle and thus he is less conscious about his well-being. Records of his family life and social circumstances helped me understand that he became home sick and victimized b y isolation as he has spent 18 years in prison, where he never received proper assistance or health care facilities. This is a prime reason behind his declining health condition and psychological disturbance he faced due to family disorientation (, 2005). As I diagnosed his health conditions and social context of his illness, I discussed his case report with senior health practitioners, because I am still at learning stage and I am unable to treat HIV patients on my own. With the report I discussed with seniors, I obtained a summarized context of David’s case as to how a patient of HIV disease undergoes chronic mental disturbance. This situation is more evident in the case of David
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